Main Features
- Proven, versatile system for roofing flat, curved and ‘free-form’ roofs.
- Weather-tight down to 7º of pitch, 3º if seams are sealed..
- Discrete joints give a light, elegant appearance.
- Modern profiling and seaming machines facilitate short installation times.
- On-the-roof detailing uses folding techniques or soldered joints – no mastic!
- Items such as snow guards and life line attachments are readily available.

Basic system information
- elZinc® Standing seam roofing tray, nominal max. length 10m.
- Standing seam joint (normally follow line of maximum pitch)
- Undercloak
- Overcloak
- Welt of standing seam
- Expansion gap at seam base
- Seam centres dimension. Normally from 430 to 600mm
- Stainless steel ‘fixed’ clip – anchors the tray in position
- Stainless steel ‘sliding’ clip – allows longitudinal expansion
- Self-expanding sealing strip for roofs pitched under 7º
The standing seam joint
The joint requires 70mm of material to make. It is formed by seaming together profiled trays of zinc as illustrated below.

Standing seam tray

Clipped undercloak and the overcloak

Small gap at base forms automatically and allows for lateral thermal expansion

First turn completes angle standing seam joint

Second turn completes double lock standing seam joint

Cross joints
Transverse joints vary according to roof pitch. They are needed to introduce expansion joints on large roofs or around details.